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R8 Technologies UK area manager Trevor Miles participated in Smart Buildings Roundtable

Smart Buildings Roundtable UK R8 Technologies

Our UK area manager Trevor Miles participated in Smart Buildings Roundtable, organized by TLA Smart Cities in association with the UK Launchpad run by Arora Digital.

The purpose of the roundtable was to understand how the smart buildings agenda had progressed, particularly considering recent changes in social, political and economic factors such as the pandemic, COP26 and the recent surge in energy prices.

Roundtable’s participants were Eric Woods (Guidehouse Insights), Anakha Nambiar (Westminster Council), Wayne Saggers (Southend Council), Ashley Bateup (Chess UK) and Gary Sharkey (Big 6 Consultancy). Moderator was Sandeep Arora (Arora Digital), 

Here is a short video about the main keynotes, divided under different themes and here is the keynotes PDF version.

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